Enthusiastic Curiosity in Your Classroom
Using punctuation as an extended metaphor, this session asks: "What if we combined the excitement of the exclamation point with the infinite curiosity of the question mark?" The answer lies is a little-used form punctuation known as the 'Interrobang.' This symbol '‽' represents all that classrooms should be in the 21st Century, as it combines all of the enthusiasm found within learning with the wonder and creative possibilities available using modern tools and resources. Educators should strive to inspire this 'Enthusiastic Curiosity' into every lesson. The Interrobang provides the perfect symbol for this joyful rebellion.
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Enthusiastic Curiosity in Education | Innovative Education Day Slides
Interrobang: Enthusiastic Curiosity in Education | Presentation Slides
Recorded at Congreso .EDU, March 27-28, 2019 in Monterrey, MX.