Mike Lawrence
Mike Lawrence
MAVERICKLearning is a freelance educational transformation organization founded by Mike Lawrence. It is home to those seeking to approach teaching and learning from a forwarding-thinking perspective, with students at the center.
“As a professional, Mike Lawrence is visionary in his purpose and exceptionally capable in his practice. He has a deep commitment to education in general and in particular to transforming the quality of teaching and learning through the thoughtful, creative use of technology.”
- Sir Ken Robinson, Speaker, Author, Educator “Mike is collaborative and communicative and ensures all members of a team not only have their voices heard but understood. He is a champion for equity and a leader among leaders. His contribution to edtech has been invaluable and his work continues to highlight the good that can come from balancing technology in education. ” - Dr. Kecia Ray, Principal Consultant, K20Connect "With his extensive experience as an educator and EdTech expert, Mike possesses a profound understanding of the education market and the diverse needs of its stakeholders. He effortlessly engages in discussions on various educational topics, establishing credibility and positioning himself as a trusted advisor to schools and educational leaders. Mike is widely recognized and respected in the education community for his thought leadership and exceptional public speaking skills. His meticulous attention to detail and pursuit of excellence make him a valuable asset to any organization." - Suraj Mohandas PhD, VP Global Education Strategy, Jamf |
"Mike has the ability to identify and hire great people and the strength to manage them. He also has the energy and entrepreneurial insight to create revenue streams when none existed before and the skill to manage those new streams and systems without neglecting the core institution and its mission."
- Hall Davidson, Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives, Discovery Education “Mike has the ability to work with diverse groups and is an excellent communicator. In his collaboration with national and statewide technology groups, he demonstrated a keen ability to identify the needs of educators and develop partnerships to meet those needs." - Dr. Raymond Chavez, Former CUE President and Director, Instructional Technology Outreach, Los Angeles COE |